City Theatrical's QolorFLEX NuNeon, LED Tape Lighting, and Dimmers on SNL,

Now Celebrating 50 Years!


To celebrate 50 years of Saturday Night Live (SNL) in 2025, we've put together some of our favorite moments from the show over the years, many of which include use of City Theatrical technologies, like our QolorFLEX® LED TapeQolorFLEX NuNeon®, and QolorFLEX Dimmers solutions to add bright and flexible, camera-ready, linear LED lighting to their musical and other sets.

Congratulations to the many talented artists, including our colleagues, Geoffrey Amoral, Richard McGuinness, William McGuinness, Trevor Brown, Tim Stasse, who make up the Lighting Team behind Saturday Night Live, and have been recognized for their beautiful work by the International Emmy Awards wins for Outstanding Lighting Design / Lighting Direction for a variety series.

For more information on the award-winning teams behind Saturday Night Live, visit the Emmy Awards site.



Our Favorite Skits and Musical Performances:


SNL50 Bowen Yang and Andy Sandberg - SNL Anxiety digital short, featuring QolorFLEX NuNeon
February 16, 2025: Digital Short: Anxiety – SNL50

Andy Samberg reassures Bowen Yang that everyone who has worked at SNL has anxiety. City Theatrical products used include QolorFLEX NuNeon. Watch for 50 years of SNL nostalgia in this fun - and super funny - digital short!

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SNL Trivia Quest
February 2, 2024: Trivia Quest

A game show goes off the rails when contestants (Ayo Edebiri, Mikey Day, Sarah Sherman) answer trivia questions. Products used include: QolorFLEX Quad Chip RGB Warm White LED Tape (P/N 5050-24-Q-RGBWW-60-5-20-1) set within the deep channel 6692 / 6697 Extrusion and Diffuser, QolorFLEX 5x8A Dimmers (P/N 5809), and QolorFLEX 5x2.5A Multiverse Dimmers (P/N 5942).

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2023-10-21 SNL Bad Bunny Episode 1846, Weekend Update , Will Heath NBC
October 21, 2023: Weekend Update

The next time you watch Weekend Update, take a look at the desk where Anchors Colin Jost and Michael Che are sitting. QolorFLEX LED Tape and QolorFLEX Dimmers are used to light it, and were installed by our founder, Gary Fails. Photo credit: Will Heath/NBC.

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SNL Kenan & Kelly skit
December 12, 2022: Kenan & Kelly skit

Take a look at QolorFLEX NuNeon in the Kenan & Kelly skit on SNL. You can see it in the outline of the green guitar during the first 40 seconds of the video.

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SNL featuring musical guest Steve Lacy
November 5, 2022: Steve Lacy musical performance

See QolorFLEX Quad Chip LED Tape, RGBCW, used to outline the pink scenic element, in the musical performance of Bad Habits by Steve Lacy.

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SNL We Got Brought QolorFLEX NuNeon line behind bar Heidi Gardner
October 15, 2022: We Got Brought skit

See QolorFLEX NuNeon, RGB in the scenic elements of the "We Got Brought" skit on SNL, which featured cast members Heidi Gartner, Ego Nwodim, and Bowen Yang, as well as musical guest, Meghan Thee Stallion.

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QolorFLEX at SNL snapped skit oct 2022
October 8, 2022: So You Think You Won't Snap skit

See QolorFLEX LED Tape, RGBA, with dimming control by QolorFLEX Dimmers, in the Season 48 cold opening skit, "So You Think You Won't Snap", featuring cast members Kenan Thompson, Bowen Yang, Chloe Fineman, and more.

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Nicki Minaj 1
May 23, 2018: Nicki Minaj musical performance

The scenery design by Stiegelbauer Associates Inc. included QolorFLEX LED Tape and QolorFLEX Dimmers for Nicki Minaj's live performance of Chun-Li on SNL.

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Pink performance SNL 2017
October 14, 2017: Pink musical performance

See QolorFLEX LED Tape in the scenic elements during Pink's performance of What About Us? and Beautiful Trauma song on SNL.

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Sam Smith pray on SNL
Oct 8, 2017: Sam Smith musical performance

See the musical set lighting that included QolorFLEX LED Tape and QolorFLEX Dimmers for Sam Smith's performance of "Pray" on SNL.

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SNL Jimmy Fallon
April 17, 2017: Jimmy Fallon opening monologue

See QolorFLEX LED Tape in the scenic elements during the SNL opening with Jimmy Fallon in his "Let's Dance Monologue", featuring Harry Styles.

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